
$ 1,400.00 MXN

This BRIJELUCHE was named in honor of Karla and represents the values of well-being, awareness, care, and balance.


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Karla takes care of the environment and does her best to preserve it in her daily life. Karla consistently takes small but significant daily actions to help preserve the planet we live on. She consistently searches for new ways to reduce her environmental impact. For example, Karla uses reusable water bottles, straws, and supermarket bags because they are single-use items. She separates her household trash into recyclable, organic, and paper. Karla chooses to walk and use public transport when circumstances allow. She uses organic and locally produced cleaning supplies, buys bulk products to reduce the impact of packaging, uses filters for the water she consumes, and tries to use biodegradable products. She does her best to be aware of the impact her actions have on our beautiful planet.

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