Don Pepe

$ 800.00 MXN

This BRIJELUCHE was named in honor of Don Pepe and represents the values of service, compassion, and charity.


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Don Pepe

Don Pepe considers the smile of children to be precious. That is why he gives his time, his most valuable possession, to make children smile. Don Pepe has been working for more than 10 years in shelters for low-income children in five rural municipalities in Mexico. Three or four times a year, he dedicates a week of his time to serving each of the shelters. While visiting, he coordinates activities and workshops that prepare the children to have a better future. He leads English language teaching, self-sufficiency classes, and sports activities. Each season when he visits shelters, he serves approximately 250 children. His desire is that all children have the same opportunities and that they can grow to be good citizens with honorable principles.